Monday, March 25, 2013

Rookie Clubber V/s Seasoned Clubber

Often you walk into a Nightclub and you can really tell the difference between a seasoned clubber and a rookie clubber. Here is a list of all the things a rookie clubber gets wrong.

1.       Fashion :
·         Well we get it its winter and its cold, but that does not mean you wear socks with your stilettos! If you are feeling that cold wear boots and leave the dirty socks at home. A seasoned clubber would never make such a rookie mistake.
·         We all love fishnets and lace stockings. Worst is when you spot someone with nurse looking stockings!
·         Men generally get it right. Some don’t by wearing a shiny satin or a glittery shirt. Remember those never came into fashion to be out of fashion.

2.       Dance Floor:
·         On the dance floor you are not supposed to flaunt every move you know. A rookie clubber generally feels that if their favourite song is playing they must create a lot of space for themselves on the dance floor. For all the rookie clubbers, this might seem the case in Bollywood films, but trust me, not the case otherwise. Every seasoned clubber will respect the space of fellow clubber and will not fight for space.

3.       Bar
·         A rookie clubber will always try and make their friends drunk. Often will order in large quantities and force drinks down their friend’s throat. It is horrible to see and surly makes a mess at the bar. One person will passes out and they are carried home. A seasoned clubber knows the meaning of enjoying one’s drink; if you have paid a bomb for your drink; make sure you enjoy it. Seasoned clubber will be spotted with their drink sipping it leisurely.

·         The rookie will fight hard to get to the bar. Guys, it’s a bar and you are not suppose to feel like you are in a canteen. Be cordial and nice to people around.

·         A seasoned clubber will just say “screwdriver”, “Long Island Ice Tea” or “JD on the rocks”. A rookie will generally try and explain what sort of a cocktail they would like to have. Rookie will make statements like ‘the big drink, which looks like ice tea ...” Well you get the point.

4.       Gate
A seasoned clubber will generally know the manager by their first name; apart from that they would be well versed with club rules. They will enter with ease and often not charged for their entry. If rookie clubber is stopped at the gate, questions like “why are slippers not allowed” and “why are stags not allowed” are bound to creep up. Worst mistake is to ask the management, ‘why has someone been allowed to enter free’.
 Dear rookie, a night club is not a cinema hall where you buy a ticket to enter. Advice to all the rookie clubbers, know the rules before you go to a club and don’t ask dumb questions at the gate!

5.       PDA
A seasoned clubber will just steal a kiss from their date. They would hold hands and he would gently hold her by the hip and escort her around the club. On the other hand, the rookie will take the PDA to a whole new level. Unless you two look like Brangelina, we do not want to see wrestling of your tongues!

6.       Music
Generally night clubs have a designated day for a particular type of music. A seasoned clubber will be aware which night what type of music plays. A rookie feels music is not planned. They would pester the DJ for a Bollywood song on a House Night. Seriously, the DJ has a job to follow and they won’t play your song unless it fits into their planned  line up. Do not bug the DJ pointlessly!

7.       Lingo
If there is anyone who still calls a night club a ‘disco’, make sure you run. Disco is an archaic word! Disco is totally about the 70’s and leave the word there.

8.       Click
A rookie will pop out their digi-cam at every given moment. They would upload an album with 50 pictures after one night of clubbing and the album name will usually have “crazy” or “random” .A seasoned clubber will take a maximum of two pictures if at all. They will pose for the photographers. Better still; a seasoned clubber will see their picture in the next day’s page 3!


  1. That will be all
    I just think there is more ice in my drink

  2. Trust me I know such rookies..just wish I cud take a print out of this nd throw it at their faces!!! :p
